ARISE for Social Justice Records, 1977-2005 (ongoing) (bulk 1985-1998).


ARISE for Social Justice Records, 1977-2005 (ongoing) (bulk 1985-1998).

The ARISE for Social Justice Records document this grassroots, women-run organization's work on behalf of economically disadvantaged and under-served populations in Springfield, Massachusetts and the surrounding area, including welfare reform ("workfare"), affordable housing, domestic violence, voter registration initiatives, and health care reform. The records describe the workings not only of ARISE, but also of the organizations and institutions through which the organization seeks to implement social, political and economic change; and how they interact with various regional and national governmental offices and various private funding and social service agencies. Topics include race relations, class, poverty, and welfare rights; homelessness and fair housing, including advocacy for single room occupancy; domestic violence, sexual abuse, child abuse; prison reform; advocacy for universal/single-payer health care, and health issues including HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment; childcare; access to education; rights of mentally and physically disabled citizens; drug addiction; prostitution; hunger, and other issues associated with poverty.

54.75 linear ft. (45 boxes; oversized materials)


SNAC Resource ID: 6958847

Smith College, Neilson Library

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